KS4 Options

Bishop Young’s Key Stage 4 curriculum offers a wide range of subjects for students to succeed in. Our curriculum is ambitious, created to deliver breadth and balance, but also strives to ensure that students can flourish in life beyond school and their chosen future career. 

All students study a core curriculum of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and Combined Science (which covers physics, chemistry and biology).  This leads to 5 GCSEs.  Students must also continue to study PE, which helps promote an active, healthy lifestyle, Religious Studies, which helps students to develop spiritually (and meets our obligations as a Church School) and Character Education, which helps them to learn how to keep themselves and others safe – as well as understanding what it means to be a good citizen in modern Britain.  

We believe in a strong academic basis to education, so all our students study at least one of Geography, History or Spanish. However, we strive to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, that meets the individual needs of our students. Therefore, we offer a variety of other optional courses, including a range of practical, technical and creative subjects. These include Health & social care, construction, music, drama, food & nutrition, sports studies, photography and Art. All our students choose 3 optional subjects, meaning they gain 9 qualifications at Key Stage 4.

The Key Stage 4 options process is an exciting time in your child’s education. There is a timeline of events to help them make these important choices.

Monday 24th March: Options Launch assembly. Students will be given our options booklet for 2025 and a letter for parents.
Tuesday 25th March: Year 9 PCE &Options Evening (5 - 7pm). Formal parents evening appointments to be made with core subjects (English, Maths, Science & RS). An opportunity to hear about the Key Stage 4 offer in each of our option subjects.
Tuesday 1st April: Deadline for options choices made via a Microsoft Forms Link.

Register your options

Select your options choices by completing the online form available here: https://forms.office.com/e/vZFdeivpny

Or by scanning the QR Code below.