Library & Reading


Thousands of fiction books, tens of thousands of non-fiction resources for learning and pleasure

The library is open 8am to 4pm Mondays to Fridays for study, reading, and computer-based learning. At breaktimes students are free to use the space to relax with their friends, and make use of the board games and comfy seating. Students can borrow from our wide array of resources for reading and study at home.

Search the library catalogue

Use the catalogue to check if we have the book you’re looking for, or to find reliable online resources for your homework or study.

If you can’t remember your password, ask at the library desk.

External links:

Places to find free books:

  • Open Library
  • Free kindle books
  • Free audio books on YouTube


Q: How do I borrow books?

A: Take your books to the library desk, and we will stamp them out for you for up to 3 weeks.

Q: Does it cost money to borrow books?

A: No, as with a regular library it is completely free - just remember to bring them back when you’re finished!

Q: I forgot to return my book when I should have…

A: No worries! Just bring it back in as soon as you can so others can enjoy it too!

Q: How do I return my book?

A: Either hand it in at the desk, or put it in the red box in front of the desk. Then we’ll know you’ve brought it back. Put your last book back on the shelf? No worries – just let us know!

Q: I’ve lost my book…

A: Let us know if you’ve lost your book, so we can update our catalogue.


"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."
Frederick Douglass

At Bishop Young Academy, our literacy focus is at the heart of our whole curriculum.

Our aim is to develop students who:

  • Organise their writing logically and coherently using spelling, punctuation and grammar conventions correctly and accurately.
  • Actively engage in listening to other students and respond accordingly to develop a higher level of oracy skills.
  • Read with understanding, locate and use information alongside actively and consistently reading for pleasure.

Accelerated Reader

Our curriculum for years 7, 8 and 9 embeds reading and comprehension through the use of Star Reading and Accelerated Reader. Students actively engage with texts that have been identified for their reading ability then complete quizzes to test their comprehension.

How can you help your child?

  • To encourage your child to read, engage in active discussions about their current novel/text.
  • Encourage your child to read for about 20 - 30 minutes per day.
  • Participate in the choosing of new texts. AR book finder will support the choice of level and challenge for your child.
  • Use Home Connect to share the successes of your child - logins are available to all parents.

All students should have a reading book as part of their daily equipment.

Word of the Week

Each week, the academy introduces a new word to all students. Discuss these with your child to encourage them to share their ever-developing vocabulary bank.

Links and Resources